Codemotion will be coming to Berlin for the first time
We are working for the second edition of Codemotion!
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Codemotion will be coming to Berlin for the first time
We are working for the second edition of Codemotion Spain!
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Codemotion 2013

09.05.2013 Workshop Day | 10-11.05.2013 Conference Days

Codemotion is an innovative tech event engaging developers and designers of all languages and technologies in presentations & conversations about: mobile, web, Makers, startup ideas, game development and creative coding.

Join us for an amazing experience, awesome talks and awesome people!

Diamond Sponsor
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some of our speakers
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Massimo Banzi
co-founder of the Arduino project. He is an Interaction Designer, Educator and Open Source Hardware advocate.
Tiffany Conroy
interaction designer for internal and customer-facing web-based adminstrative tools at SoundCloud in Berlin.
Grant Skinner
is an internationally recognized leader in the field of rich interactive experiences.
Martin de Keijzer
Native Javascript apps with PhoneGap
Marco Casario
Implementing responsive web apps with HTML5
Greg Schechter
HTML5, Flash and the Battle for Faster Cat Videos
Michele Capra
Building High Performance and Reliable Windows Phone 8 Apps
Pawel Kozlowski
Extending HTML vocabulary with AngularJS
Svetlana Isakova
Why Kotlin?
Pavlo Baron
1000 actors, one chaos monkey and… everything ok
Jesse Scott
Creative Coding Roundup
Scott Janousek
Adventures with the Internet of Things
Brenda Jin
Intro to UX for Developers
Kathryn Rotondo
Sassy! Stylesheets with SCSS
Johanna Brewer
Undiscovered Country: How To Get Started Exploring Big Data
Jan Krutisch
Abe Pazos Solatie - Livecoding on ProcessingJS
Dale Phurrough
Interaction and OpenGL 3D graphics using Microsoft Kinect and Cycling
Lisa Lang
Drag, drop, play and party. How you can run your own radio station in 90 seconds.
Roman Miletitch
Urban Coding, the joy of coding in your city
Zoe Romano
Makers movement and fashion are getting closer than we think
Garrett Smith
Building Great Software By Accident
Romain Pelisse
Make your webapp ‘BigData ready’ with InfiniSpan !
Mario Fusco
Functional Programming in Java: lambdas and beyond
Grzegorz Witek
…but we had to kill unicorns
Ask for your community discount

What makes Codemotion unique is a strong relationship and collaboration with the technical communities, user groups and meetups of developers.

This is why we are offering a Community Discount!

Drop us a line and get the tickets for your user group!


“Codemotion is successful because the organizers treat development as a discipline of expression and creativity rather than about the newest coolest tool…”

Myron Campbell

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Are you looking for a Job?

Codemotion will host a lot of tech companies and start-up which are interested in getting in contact with developers, project managers and IT experts.

Bring your CV and take your chance to start a conversation about a new job or collaboration with our partners & sponsors.

Discover our Volunteer Tickets

During the event days, there are so many things to do. Would you like to help us?

Well, get our “volunteer conference ticket” (coming soon), help us for 6 hours and follow the rest of the conference for free. And as it is even more fun to with a friend, we will give you a free ticket for your buddy too (;

Call For Paper closed!

Codemotion will rock Berlin thanks to all the awesome talk submissions (:

Now we are in the selection process and it will be soooo hard to choose. If you and your community or user group are interested in taking part in the process, please contact us as soon as possible as we will close the first voting round by April 11!